Home Based Business

CCPC to prosecute retailers for breach of sales pricing laws [Video]

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission has launched proceedings against a number of nationwide retailers for breaking sales pricing laws.

The retailers are due to appear before the Courts in January 2025.

The prosecutions are targeting retailers active in the electrical, cosmetics, furniture, and clothing and footwear sectors.

The offences relate to pricing breaches identified in CCPC online sweeps conducted over the 2023-2024 winter sales season, including Black Friday and January sales.

A number of other traders have been interviewed under caution, and further prosecutions are expected to follow.

Chairperson of the CCPC Brian McHugh said: “The CCPC carried out a large number of sales pricing inspections over the Black Friday and winter sales periods last year, looking at both online and instore pricing.

“Our inspectors saw many excellent examples of accurate sales pricing and sales communications, however, we also identified retailers where there was significant and widespread breaches of the law.

“Those traders are now being prosecuted by the CCPC, …

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