Entrepreneur Ideas

Veteran entrepreneurs to share ideas in public gallery [Video]

Twice a year the McFerrin Center for Entrepreneurship at Texas A&M University hosts the Reynolds and Reynolds Entrepreneurship Boot Camp for Veterans. The boot camp is free to veterans with all of their expenses for the week, including lodging, paid by Reynolds and Reynolds.

This week, the 20th cohort of veterans, 23 in all from across the country and representing four branches of the military, came to the McFerrin Center to take part in the first cohort of the year. They have spent the past week participating in more than 25 educational sessions led by experts in multiple facets of entrepreneurship.

Before this week’s visit to Texas A&M the veterans had taken part in a 30-day instructor-led online course that focused on basic skills of entrepreneurship and the language of business. After this week the entrepreneurs will receive 12 months of support and mentorship as they grow their businesses.

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Stormy Weather Expected Each Day This Week | News [Video]

As students head back to school, we can expect cloudy skies with a chance for afternoon showers and thunderstorms each day this week.