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How to Eat Salami From Breakfast to Dinner [Video]

Small Business Lifestyle

As a working parent with two kids who also likes to eat three (preferably home-cooked) meals a day, every week I inevitably reach the moment when I’ve used up all of the produce and protein that I’ve bought with a specific use in mind. Despite my best efforts to meal-plan for a full week, that moment is usually still a day or two short of the weekend, when my husband and I do all of our shopping for the week. Caught between giving up (aka ordering in) and making do with what I have in the pantry, I try to think of the moment as an opportunity to get creative with whatever ingredients I still have around. I approach each meal like I’m on Iron Chef, with my favorite ‘Secret Ingredient’ at the ready: The pound or so of charcuterie inevitably in my cheese drawer.

Mix-and-match packets of charcuterie have …

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