Small Business Lifestyle

Flying with Breeze Airways from Mobile to Orlando [Video]

MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) – Pack your bags and get ready to take flight with Breeze Airways! With fares starting at just $39 one-way, you can take a nonstop flight from Mobile International Airport (the airport that’s just minutes from Downtown Mobile and Baldwin County!) to Orlando International Airport.

The flight schedule recently changed—Breeze now arrives and departs from Mobile International Airport on Mondays and Fridays making for a perfect long weekend getaway! You can also fly Monday to Monday or Friday to Friday for a full week of fun.

We were joined on Studio10 by Devon Calametti, the Director of Marketing and Communications for the Mobile Airport Authority, to talk about some of the exciting things to do in Orlando and what sets Breeze Airways apart from other airlines.

  • Things to do in Orlando:

Things that set Breeze Airways apart from other airlines:

  1. Affordable Fares
    1. Breeze offers highly competitive prices, with fares as low as …

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Small Business Lifestyle

Robots set to move beyond factory as AI advances [Video]

Today's robots perform safety checks at industrial plants, conduct quality control in manufacturing, and are even starting to keep hospital patients company. But soon -- perhaps very soon -- these increasingly humanlike machines will handle more sophisticated tasks, freeing up people while raising complex questions about the roles of artificial intelligence that are gaining attention.