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US Army Reserve concludes investigation into Robert Card [Video]

The U.S. Army Reserve Tuesday released the findings of its investigation into Lewiston shooter Robert Card and the military’s handling of concerns about Card in the weeks and months before the Oct. 25, 2023 shooting, concluding there were “multiple communication failures” between military and civilian hospitals as well as within the Army Reserve chain of command.Tuesday’s report comes before the Independent Lewiston Commission created by Gov. Janet Mills and chaired by former Maine Supreme Judicial Court Justice Dan Wathen releases its final report, which is expected within the next couple of weeks, and possibly as soon as this week.The most recent commission meeting was held last week, when they heard testimony from a contracted civilian medical professional with the U.S. Army.Multiple officers above Card have been disciplined as a result of the investigation.At the time of the shooting, Sergeant First Class Card was not in a duty status and not …

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