Home Based Business

The Key to Defending Your Home Against Wildfires September 3, 2024 [Video]

With wildfires becoming an ever-present threat in our region, the simple act of clearing a few feet around your home could be the difference between losing everything and saving it. Local communities are banding together through the Firewise program to protect their homes and lives. You’re watching the Local News Network, brought to you by Denise Elliott, State Farm Agent and Happy Pappy’s Pizza ‘N Wings. I’m Sadie Smith. Firewise, a program created by the National Fire Protection Association works to address wildfires by looking at the best practices across the country, and making region-specific recommendations.

We live in what’s called the WUI, the Wildland Urban Interface. As we’re sitting here, we’re surrounded by oaks. And we’ve got pine trees. We do have a few fir stuck in here and there. And so, we’re living in the forest. This is a forest that burns. And naturally, it would burn every …

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