White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said questions about asking Congress to fund North Carolina funding was ‘misinformation.’
Working Capital Loans
Biden administration and congressional sources worry that funding to help small businesses recover from hurricane damage will dry up by the end of October.
Governor Abbott has announced the Texas Micro-Business Disaster Recovery, or MBDR, Loan Program, to facilitate loans to Texas micro-businesses affected by declared local, state, or federal disasters.
WEST DES MOINES The Des Moines University Clinic is partnering with West Des Moines Emergency Medical Services to conduct a sports emergency medicine training at the MidAmerican Energy RecPlex on Thursday. Brian Rayhons, the Deputy Chief of West Des Moines EMS, said that training on the RecPlexs ice rink gives first responders important experience []
Michael J. Quaranta, president of the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce, warned that the Basel III Endgame proposal could harm small businesses by increasing bank capital requirements and limiting lending.
Carter, Cocke, Greene, Johnson, Sevier and Unicoi counties are eligible for SBA disaster loans to help people recover from the flooding.