, /PRNewswire/ — GUNSENS, a groundbreaking, autonomous threat detection and alerting system, will make its debut at CES 2025 in Las Vegas from January 7-10. Designed to save lives through rapid and accurate detection of potential gun violence, GUNSENS combines cutting-edge AI with a discreet, tamper-proof design that ensures privacy and unparalleled performance in threat prevention.
Born out of the vision of Silicon Valley serial entrepreneurs and first responders, GUNSENS was created with the belief that “TIME = LIFE.” The faster a potential threat can be detected and exposed, the faster communities can prepare to survive.
“Our autonomous AI agents detect gun violence before weapons start firing,” said Peter Redford, CEO and Chairman. “Delivered as a self-contained, Edge-based solution resembling a typical smoke detector, GUNSENS provides round-the-clock protection while blending seamlessly into any environment.”
Unmatched Accuracy, Privacy, and Security
GUNSENS features a patent-pending design that eliminates the false positives and negatives that plague …