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Mom says her daughters witnessed fatal shooting in Worcester neighborhood Boston 25 News [Video]

WORCESTER, Mass. — Amanda Mehl was driving home from work Wednesday afternoon when she got a call that made her heart sink into the bottom of her stomach.

Her teenage daughters had just got off the school bus and were rounding the corner towards their home when a shooting happened at 32 Heroult Road.

“They actually saw the guy, heard the gunshots, as they were walking from the bus stop. They were steps away from where it happened, when it happened. Like they saw everything,” said Mehl.

With a shakiness still in her voice she described how her kids responded.

Mehl said, “Their instincts kicked in. They’re like something’s not right. We don’t like the look of the guy, we don’t like the feeling. Ran home told my husband.”

When the kids and their father walked down towards the home, one daughter said, “that’s the guy we saw.” Mehl continued, …

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