Home Based Business

Man whose home caught fire receives a helping hand [Video]

TOLEDO, Ohio (WTVG) – A devastating house fire forced a 65-year-old Toledo man to start over. That fire sparked while he was in the hospital. Now, he is getting a helping hand from the Yark Automotive Group and 13 Action News.

While Johnnie Jones was recovering in the hospital in June, a fire started at his home.

“I rolled out of bed and came here. I got here about 12:15 and the whole house was in flames,” Jones said.

His daughters rushed to the scene, and firefighters told 13 Action News that they received the call at around 11:30 p.m. when a car on Hausman caught fire before spreading to Jones’ home and another house on the street.

TFRD deemed the fire suspicious.

“I feel lost. I feel like someone needs to be taken care of, getting punished for what they did to me. They took my whole life away,” Jones said.

Jones is staying with his daughter while he recovers.

“My daughter took …

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