A welcome sign rests against the Kovinichs’ house next to the front door.
But step inside, and you’ll see mother Germaine and daughter Lana do not feel particularly welcome in their own new home.
More than three years after the family started building, it’s still unfinished.
Upstairs, the closets have no doors. The kitchen has no cupboards. A wire hangs from the living room wall.
Lana sleeps in the upstairs guestroom instead of in her own basement-level apartment because that floor has no walls, no kitchen and no bathroom.
After firing Boudreau in June 2022, the Kovinichs spent thousands of dollars to make their house liveable. It’s still unfinished and they say they can’t afford to do anymore (CTV W5)
The Kovinichs are without their dream home and say they’re tapped out of most of their life savings.
“I suppose I could say I’m in financial ruin. I don’t have …