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Hender Medina fencing coach in Denver [Video]

There’s more to coaching than just commands, and hard work is a language everyone can understand.

DENVER — A Venezuelan coach at the Denver Fencing Center shares a special bond with his students, though they only share a few words of the same language.

Hender Medina came to Denver from his home of Venezuela a few years ago, because he didn’t feel there was much support for sports there. Last May, he found the Denver Fencing Center and told them he was a coach. Now, he teaches to give back to kids whose shoes he was once in.

“I would not have invested my time the way I have, if not for Hender,” said Sam Burke, one of Hender’s students. “If he wants to get us to do a certain action, he will just show us the action and then hit his blade, and then we will do the action.”

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