Entrepreneur Ideas

Everything You Need to Know [Video]

ABC’s ‘Shark Tank’ brings a new ring to innovative business. We might truly believe that we have seen it all but not when we tune in to watch another episode of ‘Shark Tank.’ Regardless of how amusing and noteworthy we find the participants’ business ideas, the ultimate cards are with the sharks.  Through the several seasons of the show, we have seen various business entrepreneurs bag a deal. That said, staying in business with the sharks is no easy job either. 

Goumi on Shark Tank: Who Are They?  

Linsey Fuller and Lili Yeo have spent a significant amount of their career in the fashion and related accessories business. They have previously worked for top corporations and later came up with an idea to start their own line of apparel and accessories, named Goumi, for babies. It goes without saying that any business needs to upscale at some point or the other, and thus, they decided to try …

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Stormy Weather Expected Each Day This Week | News [Video]

As students head back to school, we can expect cloudy skies with a chance for afternoon showers and thunderstorms each day this week.