Home Based Business

Business owner searching for family connected to East Texas class ring [Video]

Melissa Lynn Kelly, owner of Outlaws Bar in Longview, was cleaning up just last week when she discovered the ring.

LONGVIEW, Texas — A Longview businesswoman is on the hunt to find the family of a beloved item found in her bar.

Melissa Lynn Kelly, owner of Outlaws Bar in Longview, was cleaning up just last week when she discovered a class ring from Longview High School class of 1937 that had fallen behind a piece of trim along her bar. She made a post about in a Facebook group, which sparked attention to help try to find the owner or a living relative.

“It was just all cruddy and dirty and all that. I don’t know how long it had been there. I took it home and got all the crud off of it, got a little magnifying glass, and it says Longview high school on the top,” Kelly …

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