Home Based Business

Barron Trump’s unexpected response when friends at his liberal New York university ask who he votes for – and what it means about his political ambitions [Video]

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Barron Trump sounds like a fast learner.

At New York University, where he recently started at the Stern School of Business, fellow students report that whenever any of them quiz him about his political views – very possibly virtuous young Democrats looking for any opportunity to have a blazing row – he tells them flatly that he doesn’t support any party.

Given Barron’s studying at a school that on Wednesday staged one of the first anti-Trump protests, it may be the wise answer – but it almost certainly isn’t the honest one. On election day, his mother Melania posted a photo online that she’d taken of 18-year-old Barron in a polling booth, alongside her caption: ‘Voted for the first time – for his dad.’

At the Trump victory rally, in the early hours of Wednesday, public fascination with Barron Trump again spiked online – as it does whenever …

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