Hudson Meek, the talented actor known for his role as Young Baby in the 2017 hit film Baby Driver, has tragically died at the age of 16. The heartbreaking incident occurred on Saturday, December 21, in Alabama.
Reports reveal that Meek suffered fatal injuries after falling from a moving vehicle. He was immediately taken to UAB Hospital in Birmingham, but despite medical efforts, he was pronounced dead at around 8 PM.
In a heartfelt Instagram post, his family shared the devastating news, writing, “Our hearts are broken to share that Hudson Meek went home to be with Jesus tonight. His 16 years on this earth were far too short, but he accomplished so much and significantly impacted everyone he met.”
The J Pervis Talent Agency, which represented Meek, paid tribute to the young star in an emotional statement. “Hudson was an extraordinary young talent, whose dedication, passion, and promise shone brightly …