Saif Ali Khan’s sister, Saba Pataudi, has shared a picture with Saif and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s house helps. Saba shared a collage of the two house helps and called them “unsung heroes”. This comes a day after Saif Ali Khan was discharged from the hospital, five days after being admitted and undergoing an emergency surgery over being stabbed multiple times.
The actor was stabbed multiple times in his bid to save his children and family from an intruder who had barged into the actor’s home to demand Rs 1 crore as ransom. Saif Ali Khan was discharged from the hospital and was welcomed back home with fairy lights. Saba Pataudi took to social media and praised the househelps for standing tall during the crisis.
Saba’s post
Sharing a collage with the two house helps, Saba wrote, “The unsung heroes…who literally pulled their weight when it mattered the most! Bless you both and …