Home Based Business

You know Marilyn Moritz for her consumer reports. We know her as newsroom leader with a wealth of SA knowledge. [Video]

It was my honor to sit down with Marilyn Moritz to talk about her incredible career in broadcast journalism as her time at KSAT comes to an end.

Summarizing her four-decades-long career into one online article and a TV news story was a challenge.

The first question I planned to ask Marilyn: is this surreal?

But in the quick-witted way in which she always thinks one step ahead, she beat me to it.

“This is weird,” Marilyn joked, as we started our conversation.

Marilyn is someone I look up to. Always have.

On my first day at KSAT 12 years ago, the news director was looking around for a free desk and sat me next to Marilyn.

My palms got sweatier because I knew I was in the presence of a pro.

That’s what Marilyn always has been. She’s covered it all: investigative journalism, hurricanes, tornadoes, breaking news, life-changing stories.

She’s met presidents and a king (George Strait, that …

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