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You know Marilyn Moritz for her consumer reports. We know her as newsroom leader with a wealth of SA knowledge. [Video]

Home Based Business

It was my honor to sit down with Marilyn Moritz to talk about her incredible career in broadcast journalism as her time at KSAT comes to an end.

Summarizing her four-decades-long career into one online article and a TV news story was a challenge.

The first question I planned to ask Marilyn: is this surreal?

But in the quick-witted way in which she always thinks one step ahead, she beat me to it.

“This is weird,” Marilyn joked, as we started our conversation.

Marilyn is someone I look up to. Always have.

On my first day at KSAT 12 years ago, the news director was looking around for a free desk and sat me next to Marilyn.

My palms got sweatier because I knew I was in the presence of a pro.

That’s what Marilyn always has been. She’s covered it all: investigative journalism, hurricanes, tornadoes, breaking news, life-changing stories.

She’s met presidents and a king (George Strait, that …

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