This film is considered as the world’s most profitable film. It made a worldwide collection of Rs 16,000 crore. Later a giant production house invested 200,00 USD despite that actors were paid good enough. Here’s why.
A film is declared a blockbuster based on its box office collection. Specific earnings set up a range which later declares the film as a flop, no loss-no profit, superhit, and lastly blockbuster. Today we are talking about one such film which is considered the world’s most profitable film and it’s not Titanic, Avatar, or even Avengers Endgame. Can you guess which film are we talking about?
World’s most profitable film was made with $15,000
A film released back in 2007 is the world’s most profitable film. In terms of budget, this film was allocated Rs 12 lakh (15,000 USD). We are talking about the film Paranormal Activity. Director Oren Peli decided to make low-budget horror films by using mobile cameras and new …