Small Business Lifestyle

Wife has no plans to join husband family business [Video]

DEAR ABBY: My husband’s family won’t stop asking me when I’m going to quit my job and work for my husband. My mother-in-law worked for my father-in-law at their small business for pretty much her whole career. My husband recently bought his dad’s business, which is going really well.

I have been ambitious in my own career, and I’m climbing the ladder at my corporate job. I adore my husband and we are both extremely proud of each other’s careers. My salary equals what his company pulls in for revenue. We agree that I’m going to follow my own career path and that it would negatively impact our lifestyle if I quit my job.

How do I politely say to people that I’m not quitting my job without sounding like an unsupportive wife or full of myself? — SURE OF MY DIRECTION

DEAR SURE:Assume that your in-laws mean well when they ask that …

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