Small Business Lifestyle

Waymo for kids: San Francisco parents send kids to school in driverless vehicles [Video]

Some San Francisco parents are starting a new trend: sending their kids to school alone in driverless Waymo vehicles, according to The San Francisco Standard.

Imagine the ease: it’s 7:30 a.m., and instead of hopping into your car and trudging through SF’s morning traffic to wait in line at your kid’s school drop-off, you simply pull out your phone and order them a ride. The car pulls up within minutes, and you send them off. Then you get back to your morning, watching the app to ensure your child arrives safe and sound.

It seems like a dream to some, a nightmare to others. For some parents in San Francisco, off-boarding school dropoff is a welcome relief.

But Waymo’s policies prohibit children 17-years-old and younger from riding in its vehicles alone. Those who don’t follow Waymo’s ridership policies could be kicked off the app altogether.

For the SF parents using the app get get kids around, the …

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