NxTop 2.0 offers a client-side hypervisor and a host of new management and security features designed to increase desktop IT productivity
Credit: Nongnuch_L / Shutterstock
In September 2008, a new company launched out of stealth mode, bringing with it patent-pending technology and a new client-side, bare-metal virtualization technology. The company is called Virtual Computer, and it recently announced a 2.0 version of its NxTop solution. After 12 months of development and receiving a lot of feedback from its users, NxTop 2.0 provides what the company calls, “a mature platform for organizations evaluating or implementing their next generation desktop initiative.”
While server virtualization still receives the lion’s share of the conversations taking place in the market, desktop virtualization is slowly becoming more and more popular. IT organizations are hoping to capitalize on similar cost and time-saving benefits at the corporate desktop as they have with their server farms. There is also a growing trend toward letting users buy and bring their own …