Home Based Business

U.S. must keep promises to Afghan interpreters who risked all (Guest Opinion by Saboor Sakhizada) [Video]

Saboor Sakhizada’s journey began in 2014 when he sought refuge from Afghanistan, finding a new home in Syracuse. Today, he works as a program manager at Syracuse University’s D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families, dedicated to supporting those who have served. While some of his family members have joined him in the United States, others remain in Afghanistan, a reminder of the ties that bind him to his birthplace.

As I sat in a bustling New York City restaurant, waiting for a dear friend, my mind wandered back 23 years. This city, once scarred by the shocking events of Sept. 11, 2001, now appeared calm and ordinary. I couldn’t help but wonder if I was alone in reflecting on that fateful day. The attacks had not only reshaped New York but also fundamentally altered the United States’ and its allies’ approach to global security.

The emergence of a new …

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