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Tony Robbins feeds fish by hitting these special golf balls into the ocean | Golf News and Tour Information [Video]

According to Forbes, Tony Robbins has an estimated net worth of nearly $500 million. He’s built this fortune in various ways, most notably as a motivational speaker, life coach and author. There’s no knowing how many lives he’s changed and people he’s influenced, whether it be through one of his books or at a public speaking engagement.

Because of this, Robbins can afford a beachfront mansion in Fiji, of all places. It cost nearly $13 million and looks more like a resort than someone’s home. Business Insider went to check it out, and aside from the fact that it looks like the most relaxing place on earth, there was one cool spot in the house where Robbins revealed he hits golf balls into the ocean. This is something that would normally make environmentalists cringe, grab their pitchforks, start a hashtag campaign in an effort to end his career, call for his public castration, …

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