Small Business Growth

ThinkNewBrands, AMI host Marketing Perspectives panel [Video]





ThinkNewBrands and Australian Marketing Institute partnered to host its Marketing Perspectives session at News Corp Australia HQ on Thursday.

Over 60 marketers attended the session, covering various key topics, including the evolution of consumer beliefs, macro-environmental challenges such as cost of living, inflation and technology advances, practical insights for business growth and how businesses can connect with culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Vanessa Lyons, CEO of ThinkNewsBrands, moderated the discussion between Amanda Gordon, AM, former president of the Australian Psychological Society, Kerry Warren, editor at, and Kathryn Illy, general manager of consumer marketing at Destination NSW.

Vanessa Lyons

Lyons asked the panellists about the consumer shift in seeking hard news stories to have more information to feel in control of an uncertain situation.

Warren concurred and said: “But there’s also a lot that you can do about that. We’ve started making sure that every story …

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Small Business Growth

Tietoevry: A Nordic Vision for Global AI Innovation - reshaping businesses and societies [Video]

Tietoevry has played a leading role in many technology evolution cycles that have enhanced quality of life and the societies we live in. The era of AI will once again offer new opportunities for innovation, business growth and the creation of more sustainable communities.