Small Business Tips & Strategies

The Ultimate Website Strategy Guide for Businesses [Video]

Chapter 1

First, Why You Need a Website Strategy Before You Redesign

You are probably here because you want to learn how to get more — more visitors, more leads, more sales — from your current website. You might also be considering a full website redesign for your business. Either way, you’re here because you are ready to make some changes.

Sure, you could read a bunch of blog articles, absorb a bunch of trendy buzzwords, and listen to success stories, thinking you should just imitate “what’s working.” In fact, this is how most companies approach changes to their website, large or small.

Instead, I urge you to focus first on why you are making a change, build a solid strategy for doing it the right way, and then focus on the tactical and the how last. Starting with the how means you forget about the why and most likely means you won’t get the results you are looking for. 

Unfortunately, all too …

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