Home Based Business

The targeted approach to cloud and data CIOs need for ROI gains [Video]

The CIO is increasingly leading the digital charge with cloud and analytics, especially in retail and service companies. But inherently intertwined is the close connection to revenue generation, where IT priorities are also evolving.

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Migration to the cloud, data valorization, and development of e-commerce are areas where rubber sole manufacturer Vibram has transformed its business as it opens up to new markets. It’s a change fundamentally based on digital capabilities.

“Our digital transformation has coincided with the strengthening of the B2C online sales activity and, from an architectural point of view, with a strong migration to the cloud,” says Vibram global DTC director Alessandro Pacetti. “Online will become increasingly central, with the launch of new collections and models, as well as opening in new markets, transacting in different currencies, and using in-depth analytics to make quick decisions.”

Vibram certainly isn’t an isolated case of a company growing its business through …

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