Small Business Growth

The Flywheel [Video]

Patrick Shanahan: Alright, coming up on today’s edition of the Art Business Mornings, which sometimes happens in the afternoon. It is again in the afternoon. We’re talking about The Flywheel Defined. Okay, we’re gonna define the flywheel, how we are designing for it and why it matters. It makes me wanna have a (indistinct).

Boys, it’s the afternoon, we gotta have a water. This time we’re gonna have a water. Look, sometimes the Art Business Mornings happens in the afternoon. Okay, we’re busy. You gotta call audibles occasionally and for the first time ever on the Art Business Mornings, we have four of us, okay. We have the original two plus an additional two, four.

So, Nick and I have the honor, the prestige, the privilege of welcoming Taylor and Taylor. (laughing) Now, this has created some nomenclature issues in the organization. We had them sort it out, so bottom left-hand corner …

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