In a world that demands both personal growth and professional success, many of us fall into patterns that stop us from being vulnerable.
At work and in our communities, we are often surrounded by individuals with extraordinary strength, intellect, and capability. However, many wear a teflon coat of armor that deflects challenges, feedback, and moments of self-reflection. While this protective layer can help us navigate the pressures of business—and life more generally—it stops us from growing.
A “Teflon Leader” is someone who presents a polished, unflappable exterior, often deflecting criticism, challenges, and failures without revealing vulnerability. These leaders tend to maintain an image of invulnerability, staying above reproach and immune to personal or professional setbacks. While their composure may be admired, this can come at a cost: it creates an emotional distance between the leader and those they lead and can ultimately hinder growth. Examples of this type of leader …