Small Business Lifestyle

Thanks, Joe. But your times up. | Moran [Video]

My appetite is returning today after the nausea I experienced watching President Biden, or at least what’s left of him, suffer through 90 minutes of what felt at times like elderly abuse in the Thursday night debate.

Trump was his usual self, a power-hungry cynic gushing lies on every topic, doing his best to stir anger and hatred. Several times, he refused to promise that he’ll respect the results of the November election, even after exhausting his legal challenges. If the devil walked the Earth, he could take lessons from this man.

But after this disastrous debate, there is one consolation: the calendar. This TV debate, for the first time in history, took place before the party convention in August. There is still time to replace Biden as the nominee, should he be convinced to hand the baton to one of several younger and more popular Democrats.

Team Biden proposed …

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