Small Business Marketing

T-Boz Calls Out Illness Rumors: Everybody Ain’t on Ozempic [Video]

The TLC singer was forced to cancel shows due to an “abdominal blockage,” which she addressed in a recent post. She shared that the blockage was “scar tissue from a 24-year-old previous surgery,” that “hit each other because your small intestines move. And it just blocked it. And that’s it.”

Small Business Marketing

Cone appetit: Hungary goes wild for cabbage stew ice cream [Video]

Goulash-flavoured gelato, anyone? Curious customers are flocking from all over Hungary to taste the summer’s wackiest taste sensations — a small ice cream parlour serving up savoury Hungarian staples. Robert Reinhardt and his taste-bud challenging flavours have become an overnight hit, creating a buzz on social media. “We started with the beer and potato pancake