Small Business Lifestyle

Skool Skool Bus hosting first kids vendor fair | Top Stories [Video]

...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 1 PM CDT TUESDAY... ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM TUESDAY TO 7 PM CDT WEDNESDAY... ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM WEDNESDAY TO 7 PM CDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...For the first Heat Advisory, heat index values up to 104. For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 113 expected. For the second Heat Advisory, heat index values up to 107 expected. * WHERE...Portions of central, north central, northwest, and west central Missouri. * WHEN...For the first Heat Advisory, until 1 PM CDT Tuesday. For the Excessive Heat Warning, from 1 PM Tuesday to 7 PM CDT Wednesday. For the second Heat Advisory, from 7 PM Wednesday to 7 PM CDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly during extreme heat and high humidity events. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Drink plenty of fluids, stay in ...

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