Small Business Ideas

Six-day work week in Canada: Would Greek plan work here? [Video]

Greece introduced a six-day work week for some in a bid to overcome what has been called an economic “ticking time bomb:” the combination of a shortage of skilled workers and a shrinking population.

As some Canadian companies explore offering staff a four-day work week, experts are watching Greece’s move closely and suggest it could work here.

“Potentially, it’s a good idea,” said Mark Colgate, an associate dean with the University of Victoria’s Gustavson School of Business.

The Greek government’s new legislation partially stems from the 2009 debt crisis, which led to hundreds of thousands of people leaving the country. But Canada is facing many of the same issues, according to Colgate.

“Every country is struggling with a productivity issue. I think Greece and Canada are right at the top in terms of two countries faced with that issue the most. How you respond to that is a crucial issue. …

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