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Site of historic former Sears store an illegal dumping ground [Video]

The site of a historic former Sears store in Milwaukee has become a massive site for illegal dumping. The once bustling retail area anchored by a Sears at Fond du Lac and North Avenue is now two large vacant buildings and an approximately 6-acre parking lot, littered with dump truck loads of construction waste and other garbage. “Who allows this to happen or anything? This is just terrible over here,” said Lawrence Harris on Friday as he looked across the piles in the parking lot, which included shingles, toilets, furniture, and discarded mail.Pre-pandemic plans for redevelopment of the site have seemingly fallen through. Harris, who frequents a clubhouse nearby, says a fence that surrounded the site was removed by the owner a few years ago.“That’s when people started dumping,” Harris said. Inspectors with the Milwaukee Department of Neighborhood Services this week issued several violations to the property owner. They focus …

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