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Should schools start later to beat the heat? Two eastern Iowa districts weigh in [Video]

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (KCRG) – With heat index values over 100, it can be tough for anyone to stay cool, especially students.

“I feel like I’m swimming in a lake of sweat.” said Erskine Elementary student Des Foreman.

That’s why 19 eastern Iowa school districts made the decision to close early on Monday. Largely because many of their buildings don’t have strong enough air conditioners… or any at all.

“Window air conditioners basically can take your temperature from the air temperature down 10 to 15 degrees only. So if the outside temperature is 95, you’re looking at a classroom temperature of 85 to 80 degrees.” said CRCSD Director of Operations Chad Schumacher.

“Once it gets warm, even when we’re trying to condition those areas, then we have the hot hitting the cold and that can create even more humidity.” said Gladbrook-Reinbeck Community School District Superintendent Caleb Bonjour.

As Iowa’s climate …

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