Small Business Ideas

Sacramento police launch voluntary camera network [Video]

The public safety camera network will essentially expand the reach of police across the capital city.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — ABC10 is going inside the Sacramento Police Department’s Real Time Information Center as they prepare to roll out the new Public Safety Camera Network. The idea behind the program is to get as many existing cameras as possible from neighborhoods, businesses and the government on one computer system, known as “FUSUS.”

 “Basically a network of cameras all tied into one ecosystem,” said Deputy Chief Adam Green, with the Sacramento Police Department.

 Green said their goal is to quickly get their hands on videos that may have captured crimes. This public-private partnership with law enforcement would give them permission to access cameras in advance.

“A business can give us full access. They can give us limited access. They can revoke access at any time,” said Public Information Officer Anthony Gamble. “This gives us just maybe that 1% chance of …

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Small Business Ideas

Likelihood of Trump abuse draws opponents to bill that would facilitate shutting down non-profits [Video]

Rachel Maddow reports on the return of a bill that would make it possible to punish a non-profit organization by labeling them as being in support of terrorism. While many lawmakers were ok with the idea initially, the return of Donald Trump to the White House is causing second thoughts about how the law could be abused by someone looking to eliminate opposition to their power.