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Public safety bills seek to defund new prison in Franklin County [Video]

Newly filed bills during the legislative session seek to fund public safety initiatives while defunding and reallocating revenue for a new 3,000-bed prison that is planned to be built in Franklin County. “If my bills pass, we know that the first $100 million of sales tax revenue that comes in, the state is going to be able to address this crisis,” Arkansas District 28 Sen. Bryan King said. “Then they’re not going to have the money for the mega prison, major financial disaster in Franklin County.”Senate Bill 143 would reallocate $100 million in sales tax revenues to Arkansas State Police for new crime reduction and prevention programs.According to the bill, the programs would include assisting with probation and parole services, while also allowing funds for local sheriffs to hire more deputies to focus on preventing and reducing crimes in their counties.Senate Bill 144 would allow the eight Arkansas counties, which …

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