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Project Management Office – Online Courses [Video]

What is the project management office?

The project management office (PMO) is a support team within a business that defines change standards and supports change leaders (project and programme managers) in delivering that change. It’s a central hub for standards, risks and issues which ensure more successful delivery. These stats show the vital role a PMO plays:

  • 80% of the best project organisations – those who deliver successful projects consistently – have a PMO (according to PMI).
  • In 2016, PMOs delivered a 33% budgetary improvement on projects, 27% improved customer satisfaction, and 25% reduction in failed projects (PMSolutions).
  • 50% of organisations surveyed by PMSolutions said they saw PMO as an overhead rather than a contributor to success – the data proves this is not the case.

PMO roles and responsibilities

  • PMO provides a centralised centre of excellence.
  • PMO provides an independent set of eyes and ears to give confidence that the work is being delivered in the best possible way.
  • PMO provides an information hub through which …
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