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Plans for a new apartment complex near Sioux Citys Cook Park are in the works [Video]

SIOUX CITY (KTIV) – Developers are revealing plans for a new apartment complex near Sioux City’s Cook Park.

Below are the plans for the development which would be located on land currently part of Sioux City’s Cook Park at West 5th and Market Streets.

Development plans for new apartment by Cook Park.(City of Sioux City)

That site also includes the former Webster Elementary school building, most recently the home of LAMB Arts Regional Theatre.

LAMB moved out of the building last year after city inspectors found several issues with the building and banned the theatre from holding classes there.

The city terminated their lease in March and the theatre worked through the summer to move nearly 40 years of property out of the building.

Residents will have two opportunities to weigh in on the development. The first is on Jan. 8 at the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting. Then on Jan. 14 at the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

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