Small Business Ideas

OnlyFans: Women recount being held captive and forced to commit sex acts [Video]

Warning: This story contains disturbing content. Reader discretion is advised. 

On an August morning in 2022, a young woman slipped out of a house in suburban Wisconsin and dashed to a waiting police car.

Her hands shaking, she told officers it was the “most brave thing I’ve ever done in my life.”

For nearly two years, her boyfriend had held her captive, prosecutors say. She feared he’d kill her if she tried to leave. But just days earlier, after he’d poured hot grease down her back, she started plotting her escape, secretly messaging family and friends to alert police.

The young woman later explained her desperation to detectives: Almost every night, her boyfriend had forced her to record sex acts on camera to sell online. Among his chosen outlets was OnlyFans, the hugely successful website …

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Small Business Ideas

OnlyFans: Women recount being held captive and forced to commit sex acts [Video]

OnlyFans says it empowers content creators, particularly women, to monetize sexually explicit images and videos in a safe online environment. But a Reuters investigation found women who said they had been deceived, drugged, terrorized and sexually enslaved to make money from the site.

Small Business Ideas

What you should know about carbonated water and weight loss [Video]

The healthiest drink we can choose to consume is water and sure. Swapping high calorie drinks, your beloved soda or alcohol for water may in turn help you lose weight but does drinking lots of water actually help you cut down the calories. Lets myth bust. There are many internet claims that consuming water helps burn calories and reduce appetite. So there we have myth one. Does it help burn calories? Consuming *** certain amount of water can have temporary effects on caloric burn for really only about an hour. The site confirms. Although scientifically water has potential to burn calories, the actual net increase in calories burned is tiny. Myth two can consuming water with meals, reduce your appetite. *** number of studies support the idea that if your stomach is at least partly full of water, then there's less room for food. Although it could be down to mind over matter and therefore you eat less water as *** liquid alone is rapidly emptied from your stomach. So it technically doesn't fill us up, perhaps mixed with fiber soups or vegetable sauces. It certainly could. That's *** story for next week.