OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) – In December, a project was approved by city council to put bollards in Benson.
Bollards, which are essentially just steel posts meant to block vehicles, have become a major topic of conversation across the U.S. over the past 48 hours after a man drove a pickup truck through a crowd of people in New Orleans on New Year’s Eve.
“What we’re trying to accomplish here is some basic safety measures we think are appropriate for a neighborhood business district that enjoys activities in the evenings with retail operations and restaurants,” said Omaha City Councilman Pete Festersen.
It’s a welcomed idea by business owners.
“Anything that can keep people visiting Benson safe and make them feel more comfortable, that’s a huge improvement,” said Adam Van Osdel, owner of Edge of the Universe.
Benson has already seen changes for pedestrian safety like curb bumps and shorter crosswalks. The steel bollards will add to that in 27 spots between 58th …