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New Orleans Council members frustrated over hold up of school board funds [Video]

New Orleans City Council members are enraged after they say the mayor’s administration is holding up approved school board funding. Back in November, the city of New Orleans invested $20 million to help the Orleans Parish School Board with its budget deficit. City Council members tell WDSU that the city’s attorney and chief financial officer will not sign off on the agreed-upon deal, saying there wasn’t one. Budget Chair Joe Giarrusso says that can’t be the case as the mayor signed off on the budget. An accounting error left the district with a $36 million deficit. The error was found recently; however, the district’s financial struggles date back years. The school board approached the city of New Orleans in 2018 regarding money they believed the district was owed through taxes. In 2019, the school board sued the city for those funds, and the November agreement was the beginning of a …

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