A family in McLean, Virginia, is alerting the community that thieves might be at work after a prized goose and 10 chickens disappeared from their property without a trace.
It’s not uncommon to see a chicken on the front porch of Chris Gilbert’s McLean home.
But most of the chickens, ducks and geese are in an expansive, fenced-in area on the property where he and his daughter Esther tend to them for their small business, Bullneck Run Farm.
The birds share the space with a sheep named Molly and some goats.
“You got to get up in the morning, let ’em out, feed ’em, check on them midday and then at night you have to come tuck them in bed, lock them up because we have predators,” Chris Gilbert said.
Predators like foxes are one reason they got some Sebastopol geese, which have striking white curly feathers.
Their size, loud …