The manufacturing sector is diverse, with a large number of migrant workers. It is essential that workplaces actively promote and support diversity and inclusion to help prevent discrimination.
What it looks like
Bullying is repeated and unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker or a group of workers that creates a risk to health and safety. This could be:
- behaving aggressively towards others
- teasing
- playing practical jokes
- pressuring someone to behave inappropriately.
Poor organisational justice
Poor organisational justice includes processes or decisions that are perceived as unfair, including:
- inconsistent application of policies and procedures
- biased decision making
- biased recruitment or promotion of workers (e.g., favouritism or personal connections driving decision-making)
- unfair punitive managers (e.g., ‘one-mistake is the final warning’ approach).
Discrimination is unfair treatment of someone because they have, or are assumed to have, a particular characteristic.
Discrimination also occurs when a rule or requirement that applies to everybody, unfairly disadvantages people who have a particular characteristic (e.g., …