
Making one small change cured my messy ways and made me tidy [Video]

I am a messy person. I always have been. 

As a teenager, my room was so untidy that my mum would put a Post-It note on my bedroom door, warning people against entering for their own wellbeing. 

I like to think that in the 15 years since then, I’ve graduated slightly. And I have – my floordrobe is now a chairdrobe. Progress. 

I’ve always defended my way of living – I am clean when I need to be. When things become slightly too cluttered (items start falling off the chair/there are too many mugs next to the dishwasher/I’m on my last pair of clean pants), I will act decisively, dedicating a half day to sort all of these problems and more – chucking in a hoover and dust of the flat for good measure. 

But now in my 30s, I think it might be time to take the next step; to become a tidy person. 

And so, for the …

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How this Mass. robotics team is persevering after heroics put out school fire [Video]

Pentucket Regional Middle High School will welcome students back Wednesday after the building closed for two days following a small fire.The fire, which broke out in the West Newbury school's auditorium Saturday morning, was quickly put out by the school's robotics team, who was praised for their heroics. "Youre never really prepared for walking into the next room and seeing a fire indoors," engineering and robotics teacher Mo Elhelw said. "The students and the mentors were really ready to step up and address the situation."However, the quickly extinguished fire will have some negative effects on the team. "We're losing one of six weeks of build season," Elhelw said. "It's a big setback," junior and robotics team member Nicholas Souliotis said. "But we're going to work throughout."Sophomore and club leader William Wallace says he already has a plan."One of our courses of action is actually adding meeting time. The current schedule that we have is cut back from last year, which boosted most of our productivity," Wallace said. "But considering the fire that put us back, were going to have to rebound back to that multi-day, more time schedule to pick up some of the slack."While the school is reopening, the robotics team's shop space will likely be closed until the weekend. Elhelw says the adversity before the team's first competition on Feb. 14 will be a big learning lesson. "Our students are having a great opportunity to learn about design triage," Elhelw said. "When things run behind schedule or when your deadlines move up or your goal posts change, how do you modify your path to reach your final project?"