As the new legislative session begins in Boise, the 12 lawmakers from the Magic Valley are settling in to their committee assignments.
District 24: Camas, Gooding, Twin Falls
Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld, R-Twin Falls
Home 208-280-0716, Statehouse 208-332-1347
- Senate Finance
- Senate Health and Welfare
- Joint Finance-Appropriations
- Joint Economic Outlook and Revenue Assessment
Rep. Clint Hostetler, R-Twin Falls
Home 208-207-8514, Statehouse 208-332-1024
- House Judiciary, Rules and Administration
- House State Affairs
Rep. Steve Miller, R-Fairfield
Statehouse 208-332-1061
- Vice Chair House Appropriations
- House Agricultural Affairs
- House Resources and Conservation
- Joint Finance-Appropriations
- Joint Economic Outlook and Revenue Assessment
District 25: Twin Falls
Sen. Josh Kohl, R-Twin Falls
Home 208-610-8086, Statehouse: 208-332-1318
- House Agricultural Affairs
- House Resources and Environment
- House Transportation
Rep. Lance Clow, R-Twin Falls
Home 208-733-5767, …