In a groundbreaking discovery, Japanese researchers have identified sodium carbonates, commonly known as salt crystals, in samples from the Ryugu asteroid. These samples were brought back to Earth by the Hayabusa2 space probe.
The findings, which were published in the online journal Nature Astronomy, were the result of a collaborative effort by a team from Kyoto University, Tohoku University, and other institutions.
The discovery of these salt crystals is considered crucial for understanding the evolution of organic materials in relation to water and other substances in celestial bodies. The researchers used electron microscopy and other techniques to observe four crystals in the samples.
These crystals were up to around 500 micrometers long, 20 micrometers wide, and 1 micrometer thick. The crystals consisted of rock salt, sodium carbonate, and sodium sulfate.
To prevent the salts from degrading under electron beams, the team used reduced beam intensity during the analysis. The Ryugu asteroid’s parent body is believed to have contained large amounts …