Home Based Business

JAN MOIR: She gave Harry an icystare any husband would know – watch what you’re saying, mister! [Video]

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At an unnamed location near Santa Barbara, rich with plumped cushions and accent lampshades, CBS News host Jane Pauley sat down with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for an interview.

‘I am so, so happy you’re here. Thank you,’ said Meghan, giving the famous American television host that special big hug she reserves for famous American television hosts.

Then it was straight down to business. Harry and Meghan were launching a Parents’ Network to help support those whose children had died because of online harm. Harry was the first to speak.

‘We always talk about in the olden days if your kids were under your roof, you knew what they were up to,’ he said, making a steeple with his fingers to illustrate the shape of a roof, presumably so that any hobbits or igloo-dwellers out there would know what he was talking about.

‘And at least they …

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