Home Based Business

‘I think our barn’s collapsing’ Storm topples building in Wright Township [Video]

WRIGHT TOWNSHIP, Mich. — A barn in Wright Township partially collapsed Tuesday morning, a victim of the immense storm that rolled through and knocked out power for 153,000 customers.

“It’s not the first thing you want to see when you come home,” Homeowner, Dan Snider told FOX 17.

Wright Township Barn Collapse

He was at work when it happened, but his wife watched it from their home.

“She said it was a pretty loud noise and she was out here watching the storm and she saw it pushed over,” he recalled. “And then she texted me and said I think our barn’s collapsing.”

At the moment, they don’t know the extent of the damage to the lawn equipment inside, what insurance might cover, or what the cost of clean-up will be, but – like any homeowner— say they’ll cross that bridge when they get there.

Wright Township Barn Collapse

“You know, it just adds another project to the …

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